Elon Musk thinks cars with the capability to fly are an idiotic thought

Date de l'actualité: 2023-07-03 12:25:51, Vues: 4172

He's made sense of why he doesn't figure we ought to fill our city skies with them.

Elon Musk may be the Chief of Tesla and SpaceX, however he's not getting involved with cars capable of flying.

Previous president Donald Trump was unyielding the US, not China, would lead the transformation in air portability.

However, Musk is not a fan.

In fact, he has stated that, at least for city travel, flying cars are a stupid idea.

Musk stated to Bloomberg, "Obviously, I like flying things."

"Be that as it may, it's hard to envision the car with the capability to fly turning into a versatile arrangement."

One of his main issues is minor accidents up in the air sending down garbage that could harm individuals.

"On the off chance that someone doesn't keep up with their car capable of flying, it could drop a hubcap and guillotine you," Musk said.

"Your tension level won't diminish because of things that gauge a ton humming around your head."

He does have a point, to be fair.

It's not difficult to overdo it with the thought our future will seem to be The Jetsons, yet the fact of the matter is these are the things that should be thought of.

Elon Musk also mentioned the issue of noise that flying cars would probably cause.

To prevent falling, flying cars would need to produce a lot of downward force, resulting in a lot of wind and noise.

Trump appeared to be less bothered by these worries and more interested in attempting to gain an advantage over China.

The former president and possible future president stated that America had "lost its boldness," which he pledged he would restore, in a video released earlier this year advocating for flying cars and futuristic cities.

Trump stated that he would launch a contest to charter up to ten new "freedom cities," each roughly the size of Washington, D.C., in addition to recognizing a significant opportunity in transportation.

 Elon Musk thinks cars with the capability to fly are an idiotic thought  Elon Musk thinks cars with the capability to fly are an idiotic thought  Elon Musk thinks cars with the capability to fly are an idiotic thought  Elon Musk thinks cars with the capability to fly are an idiotic thought
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